


         16   //    C-Truth-B-Free.com   //   Rasspukin   //       28 Sep 2012     


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My name is Stoney L. Tonto.   I'm a staff reporter for The Life Changer Magazine.   Outside of my Interview with The Devil, the Rasspukin story is my strangest experience.   Let me share this story with you.

Rasspukin was born on the last day of December 2012  and -- yes, I said and -- and on the first day of January 2013.   He was breach baby.   His  feet came out in 2012, and his head came out in 2013.  From day's one and two, Rasspukin was, by no stretch of the imagination, normal.  

He began puking on people on day two of his existence, January 1, 2013.   His upchuck smelled awful.  More on that aspect of his existence in a moment.

By the time he was two years old, it became obvious that everything about Rasspukin was weird.   By the time he was ten,  his repulsive demeanor and behavior were well known.   It's not that he was  mean or cruel of anything like that, it just that who he was was like an anti-magnet that repelled people. 

From as little as a few yards way, his physical appearance was rather normal, but when you got close, he looked . . .  he looked . . . well, sort like a snake hiding under a blanket.   He looked repulsive.   I can't tell you exactly why.   He just radiated repulsion.   His close presence created a kind of "let me out of here" feeling the triggered an urge to be somewhere else.  

Let me describe Rasspukin's nature (who hew was) by referring to the opposite physical trait.   Here's a few words form chapter one of "A dream Catcher's Dream, Book one of the Yoni Dance Trilogy:  

Have you ever noticed how most people look better from a distance?   What we see from a few yards away is mostly a creation of our own imagination and has little or nothing to do with the person we are observing.   This makes people appear to be much more perfect and more attractive than they actually are.   Then, when they get close to you, reality sets in. 

The day I first saw Jazzbell walk past me, I experience the exact opposite of that.   The closer she got to me, the more beautiful she looked.   Although she could easily be called beautiful, it was not her physical beauty that struck me so profoundly, for the world is filled with millions of very beautiful women.   It was the look in her eyes, her mannerisms, the aura of who she was that struck me like a lightning bolt.  

Now imagine the complete opposite of Jazzbell.   That's Rasspukin.  

Editor's Note:   The above quote is taken out of context.   To get this message more clearly and to take in its full meaning, readers are invited to read chapter one of "A Dream Catcher's Dream" online at:   http://www.YoniDance.net/yd-bk1-ch01-close-encounters.html#gr  

OK, now getting back to Rasspukin's barf behavior.   From day two until the day that he climbed to the top of the Eifel tower in Paris and disappeared forever, he puked on almost everybody he encountered.   The strangest thing is that he rarely ever barfed on anyone more than once.   He could not explain his behavior, and nobody else could either.   Even the best behavior specialists were at a loss when it came to explaining Rasspukin.   Some claim he was an alien being who got born on the wrong planet.  

Another strange thing about Rasspukin is the affect that being barfed on by him had on the people he barfed on.   Their immediate reaction was one of extreme repulsion, but then a few days later, repulsion turned into something completely different.  

Let me explain by using myself as an example.   My experience has been confirmed as very common by so many others that I trust it to an accurate description of an encounter with Rasspukin. 

Before I interviewed him, I was well aware of his demeanor, his reputation, and his barf-behavior.   I wore old clothes, because I'd been told that most people never again wore the clothes they were wearing when Rasspukin barfed on them.   They usually burned them.  

Now, I consider my self as a rather open-minded and non-prejudiced, but I was unprepared for the changes that occurred in my life in the days and weeks following our meeting.   Like others, my initial reaction to being barfed on was total and completer repulsion.  

Because the stench was all but overwhelming, my interview with him was the shortest interview I've ever done.   He told me that answering questions was like having someone else eat your meals for you.   At the time, that made no sense to me, but now, I understand fully.  

I did, indeed, burn the clothes I wore that day, but in order to find out why people burned their clothes, I washed mine, but the stench remained.  The smell reminded me of, but was quite difference from,  the smell of a dead and decaying animal body.   The smell just didn't go way.   I even placed my shirt on the roof in the summer sunshine for a week but the smell lingered.   But, that's the trivial side of the story.  

The real story is what happened inside my consciousness.   Like I just said, I consider my self as a being rather open-minded and non-prejudiced, but what I was unaware of is that, in my subconscious belief system, I still held a lot of anger, a lot or resentment, a lot of regrets, a lot of negative, self-judgments, a lot of unfulfilled expectations, a lot of false, fairytale beliefs, and a whole host of negative emotions that I thought I'd released years ago.  

For example, about a month after my encounter with Rasspukin, my subconscious mind began to bleed into my everyday consciousness.   I began to become aware of how much I still resented George Bush Jr.   I still called him "Resident" bush instead of President Bush.   I realized that I was still angry about all the incredible stupid things he caused to happen, about the millions who died or lived in poverty, grief, and misery as a result of his decisions,  about his stealing the presidency from Al Gore,  about him declaring a holly war with Islamic extremist,  about him starting two multi-billion dollar wars,  about his appointing  right wingers to the Supreme court,   about him bring thousands ultraconservative, Christian, rapture believers  into the U.S. government.  

I realized how strongly I was tied to former President George W. Bush.   I was not free.   My anger, my resentment and all that other negative garbage I still carried tied me tightly to him.   I also became aware that, in my subconscious mind, I still carried of dozens of other ties to dozens of other people, things situations, and negative experiences.   I gradually came to realize that I was a prisoner of my own beliefs.   That was step one in my personal transformation.  

Next, I began to notice my in-the-moment reactions to my everyday experiences.   I noticed that I was responding emotionally to things where an emotional reaction was totally inappropriate and unnecessary.   For example, I noticed that I would have a negative emotional reaction when my stapler ran out of staples,  when I dropped my pencil,  when the neighbors dog barked, and in response to dozens of other trivial occurrences.  

This awareness was unusual for me, and even more unusual was the fact that this was a common change in behavior of those who had been barfed on by Rasspukin.   Before long, I began to respond differently to the people, situations, things and experiences that formerly produced a negative emotional response inside of me.  

These things no longer produced any internal emotional reaction   When the stapler was empty, I just filled it.  If I dropped something, just picked it up.   I had some how, let go of the emotional reactions to trivia events.   These and many other activities became just pieces of life.  

My negative emotions such as anger and resentment, my unrealistic expectations like the neighbors dog should be quiet  , my negative self judgments such as I don't deserve to be wealthy, all began to fade away.   The President Bush stuff, was slower to fade.   My guess is that the reason for the slower fade is because my emotional hooks were stronger.  

How all these changes related to being barfed upon by Rasspukin was still a mystery.  My reaction was a common reaction, so I don't label it a coincidence.  

The next thing I began to notice was that a much more joyous and pleasant countenance began to become normal for me.   I began to enjoy doing whatever I was doing, even things that had  previously seemed like tasteless chores.  

The next to last step in my transformation was to shift my response to Rasspukin.   He ceased to be repulsive.   He was just who he was ,doing what he did.  I developed a sort of affection for him, and a strong compassion for the rejection and the loneliness that must have been a part of his life.   When he disappeared, I felt sad that I had never returned to him to do a second interview.




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Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Fairness, and Justice  are intimately interc0nnevted.   
Freedom without truth is a slavery in  disguise.   

Life as we are presently living it, is  an illusion.  
It's a secret prison made out of lies and  false beliefs.  
If you think you know the the truth, your in for a big shock and a rude awakening.      
