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What Is a Context?





Page Content 



The Most Important Facts of Life      

Definition of a Context      

The Spider On My Wall    
      A story about contexts.  

The Magic Pill Story     
      A joke in which the change of context is humorous.  

Four Major Types of Contexts  




The Most Important

Facts of Life

These Truths,
Who You Are

The Context You Are In 
are the two most profound truths
you'll ever learn in your entire life.

Now, add The Law of Context and Content and
you have the basic information require
to be, do, have and experience
anything you choose.   

If you intend to move y0ur mind into
Fifth Dimension Consciousness
learning about contexts
is absolutely essential. 

The Most Important Facts of Life



Definition of a Context  



Webster’s Dictionary defines a context as: 
The whole situation, the background or
the environment relevant to
a particular event, personality, creation, etc.   

A context is the environment

in which something is or occurs.  
In science, a context
is commonly referred to as a field.  

For example, magnets have an area surrounding them
in which they exert an influence upon
metal and other magnets.   
Its magnetic field is ever-present.  
It exerts a force instantaneously,
without any form of physical contact
or obvious mode of transmission. 

<><><>   <><><>

Your consciousness,
your thoughts, beliefs,
attitudes, expectations, etc. 
are similar to a magnet field.  
They create a new context or
add to an existing context.   
They affect / alter 
the holographic world we live in.   

Our emotions empower whatever we think about.  
With zero emotions we are simply an observer.  
Add emotions and we give creative power
to what we think about. 

We give our thoughts
the power of holographic existence.

When you declare an intention,
that creates a context , 
a container in which you experience your creations. 

Contexts are vitally important because
they control/influence/affect everything within them. 
This is similar to a magnet and its field of influence.   

The Anatomy and the Power of a Context:
*      Everything occurs within a context. 
*      Each context is unique.  
*      A context dominates its content.   
*      In accomplishing any and all goals,
            understanding the six apects of a context are critical. 

Six Major Aspects of a Context: 

      What is a context?  
*      What do contexts do?
*      How do they function?   
*      Why are contexts important?  
*      How to change/revise an existing context. 
*      How to intentionally create a new context.  

Before we get into our discussion,
let me share a personal experience
that may assist you to see more clearly
what contexts are and 
how they interrelate with each other.

Definition of a Context






One evening, just as I had settled into my easy chair
and my pet cat, Tiger, had taken up
his position as exclusive resident on my lap,
I noticed a spider crawling along the wall.  

Being both tired and contentedly relaxed,
I sat, unmoving, watching its progress.  
I thought, "Where is it going? 
What is it doing?   Is it blindly roaming,
or is there a plan in its mind?"   

I thought of the relationship
between that spider and myself.  
It was doing its thing completely oblivious of
the context it was in and
the control that I had over its environment,
its future, and even its life.  
Had my wife, sitting nearby, seen our fellow resident,
she would have requested that I capture it and
evict it from the only home it has ever been in.  
I, on the other hand, simply sat and watched.  

The Hermetic Principle
known as Correspondence came to mind -- 
As above so below;  as within so without.  
It occurred to me that in the larger context
that we call Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess, 
I, in all probability, hold a position similar to
that which the spider held in my home.  

The spider was unaware that it was,
at the moment, being watched,
that its home, its livelihood, and its very survival
were completely in my control.  
It was also unaware that with nothing more than
a pre-programmed, mechanical reaction,
I, or any nearby human who saw it,
could easily have turned it into mush
with its only lingering influence being that of
a slight stain on the living room wall.   

I shifted my thoughts to God and asked, 

"What is my relationship to
whatever it is that we call God.
Am I being observed?  
Does God care where I crawl or what I do?  
Is He/She/It  even aware of my existence?  
Could it be that I am merely something
that simply happened along God's way
to a 'somewhere' or a 'something'
that I know nothing about?"  

I looked at the spider and thought:  
"I neither need, desire nor expect it
to kneel and pray to me.  
I don't need a special spider- building
dedicated to worshipping me.  
I don't need any virgin spider sacrificed,
nor do I want any burnt offerings.  
I really don't care what the spider does or doesn't do.  
And I'm definitely not interested in its sexual habits.  

It occurred to me that
what I know about God is about as much as
the spider knows about me. 
It also occurred to me that
in one context I am God and
in the other I am the human equivalent of
the spider on my wall.   

I continued to sit quietly. 
Soon becoming bored contemplating the spider's life, 
I reached for the TV remote control
and clicked the "on" button.   
The spider continued its journey,
unnoticed, to who-knows-where.   


The Spider On My Wall







The following story gives us an example
of how changing a context
changes the meaning of its content.   
In this case, the change in context
is what makes this story funny.  

A woman was complaining to her friend
about her husband's lack of interest in sex.  
She said:   "He comes home from work tired
and  just wants dinner and a drink. 
Then he falls asleep watching TV."  

The friend responded saying,
"I've just discovered these magic pills
that will turn him on to sex.  
Here, take this bottle of pills and
secretly slip a pill in his evening drink."  

A few days later,
when the two of them met again,
the friend asked:  
"Did you sneak a pill into his drink?  
What happened?."  

The woman replied.  
"Yes, I put a pill in his drink and
in about ten minutes, he was having sex with me
on the living room couch.  
I was so excited that the next day,
I put two pills in his breakfast coffee."  

The friend said,
"Oh oh, I forgot to warn you about that.  
What happened?  

She replied, "He stripped off my panties
and had sex with me right there on the breakfast table,
but that okay.  
We were not planning to
go back to that restaurant again, any way."

The Magic Pill Story







(1)   The Universal Context 

The largest context, the ultimate context
is the sum total of all creation.   

*   What the Universal Context is
*   Where it came from --
*   What its true nature is --
*   How it functions -- and
*   numerous other questions -- 
     are all, from our present, human perspective,
     unknown and unknowable.   

Christian theology refers to the Universe
as the product of a superhuman being
sitting on a throne in some place
above the clouds called heaven.   

Although science gives us evidence regarding
how the Universe functions,
it offers no answer to the question of
the nature of who or what created
the sum total of all that is.  
There is no scientific evidence to support the contention
that the above-mentioned,
Christian perspective of God is correct.  

There is significant evidence
pointing to the conclusion that
the source of the Universe is vastly bigger
and very different from the Christian perspective. 

In relation to the entirety of Creation, 
scientists see Earth as an infinitely small speck of dust.   

While confined in a human body,
we can  approach the nature of this context
from guess work, from conjecture, from speculation,
and/or from belief in fairytale stories
made up by our distant ancestors.

As an alternative,
we can examine the new evidence,
create a hypothesis about how
Source/ Creator/God-Goddess
most likely functions.  
We test it by our experiences.    

The bottom line is that humans
have no control over the Universal Context.  
The best thing we can do is understand that
the context that we find ourselves in

is at the core of who and what we are.  

It's at the core of how we live our lives on Earth.  
This context has certain rules that function
with the same precision, consistency, and tenacity
as does the law of gravity.   

What we believe about this context
is the biggest and most important factor
in the lives of every human being on the planet.   
The Grand Truth  
The Vibrating Universe  
Does God Exist?   
An Interview with the Devil    

<><><>   <><><>

(2)   The Human Life on Earth Context:  

The next large context
is human life on Earth.  
It is content within the Universal Context,
thus it's controlled by the Universal Context.  

With regard to human behavior,
Human Life on Earth
is a grand
and all-inclusive context.  
It controls how we function as human beings.  
Everything we do is done within both of these contexts.     

The Cabal~ Criminals created religions~
which pretend to answer questions
questions  such as:  "What is life?"  
"Where do humans come from?"  
"What is the nature of Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess?"  

With the Cosmic Transformation,~
the development of the Internet,
the assistance of other galactic civilizations, and
the awakening of humanity
Much of the truth has  emerged.
A good place to begin learning the new truths is at
The Seven Lost Secrets of Llove

<><><>  <><><>

(3)   The Collective, Social Context:  

The third, major context that controls our lives
is our social, political, financial, technological,
religious, and physical environment
that we as humans, have collectively created.  
It's what we see when we look at
what appears to be outside of ourselves.  

Within these three context,
each create our own personal lives
We also participate in creating our collective context.  

<><><>   <><><>   

(4)   Our Internal, Personal Context:   

The fourth context, is our
internal, invisible, personal context.  
It exists within each one of us.  
It is content within and dominated by
the three larger contexts mentioned above.   

We cannot control the grandest context we call God.  
We cannnot control the Human Life on Earth context.  

Although we influence them,
we cannot personally control
the human-created, collective context --
(the technology, politics, financial,
religious, social or environmental structures
in which we live, move and experience ourselves
Although we share a common context,
we each see that context from our own unique perspective.

The only place where we have
any real potential for control
is in our personal contexts.  

For each of us, our personal context consists of
the belief system within which we live our lives.  
It's how we mentally hold and view things.  
It's our ground of being,
our mental condition,
our  mind pattern,
our mode of functionality.   
It's our way of being who and what
we believe ourselves to be. 
It's the mental creation, a mental box, (
a belief box)
within which we create our own experiences. 

Although at times, it may seem impossible,
we each have the potential to control our personal lives.  
If we choose to actively participate in directing our lives,
we must do so within the three, grander contexts
mentioned above.

We must not only understand the contexts
within which we create these experiences, 
we must at least be familiar with     
The Physics of consciousness.     

We are great creators.
We each have the power to create anything
we choose to be, do, have, express, and/or experience.

<><><>   <><><>   

Another Possibility:  

When we examine the latest findings
of sub-atomic physics and quantum mechanics,
such as those expressed in the film,

What the Bleep Do We Know,
we find that the three grandercontexts mentioned above
may not be as immutable as we have been led to believe.  

The evidence is pointing to these probable conclusions:  
***   They, too, are a product of our mental creation; 
***   Rather than a single external, physical Universe
             that we come along and experience,
             there are multiple Universes;
***   We are all part of the grand creation which
              we call Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess;
***   Everything is energy;
***   Everything we see in the external world
              is a probability and not static physical objects;
***   Physical matter is not real;
***   Consciousness is all there is;
***  Consciousness controls everything;
***   We are each apart of that controlling consciousness;
***   What each of us refers to as "me"
              is an eternal divine being
              having a human experience, etc.   

The possibilities are simply mind-boggling.  



The Discussion of Context is on Four Pages


(o)>   Page One  --  What Is a Context      <---   <---   You Are here.

(o)>   Page Two  --  Why Contexts Are Important  

(o)>   Page Three  --  Examples of Contexts  

(o)>   Page Four  --  Your Life in It's Contexts   






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Context and Content --  Context and content are studied because context dominates everything.  
Context controls content     Use context and content to see yourself  inside  of  God.   



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Don't waste your time and money trying to fix the unfixable.  Replace it.  

In other words,

focus your attention on your intention!

and do what feels right in every moment.
