6    C-Truth-B-Free.com    Seven Hermetic Principles     16 Jan 2016     

The Seven

Principles of Hermes

TLC- Life- Center





Page Content



Setting the Context  for the New Paradigm

(o)>   The Pillars of Stability    

(o)>   No Human Can Escape the Laws    

(o)>   The Invisible side of Reality  

(o)>   Overview of the Seven Principles of Hermes  


The Seven Principles

(4)>   Polarity / Duality

(2)>   Correspondence  ---  "As above, so below."

(6)>   Cause and Effect    

(7)>   Gender    

(5)>   Rhythm    

(1)>   Mentalism   

(3)>   Vibration

<><><>  <><><>

There is an eight principle that is
equally as important as the above seven.  
The eights principle is far more profound because
if you know how to use it properly
you can use it to transform your life. 
Its called  The Law of Context and Content.  

Please also be aware that the seven Hermetic Principles
were first shared with humanity several centuries ago.  
Today, particular in the last few years,
our understanding of how the Universe functions
has increased dramatically. 
Here's a description of the Rules of Reality
as we understand them today (2016)






The Pillars of Stability:

You've probably heard the saying, "Change is the only thing that stays the same."   Well, perhaps that's not completely correct.   There are certain physical laws that seem the same today as they were thousands of years ago.   One example of this is the law of gravity.   

If laws, such as the law of gravity, do change, they change so slowly that, for our lives here on Earth at the present time, we can, for all practical purposes, consider them constant and without change.   Understanding the law of gravity and understanding how to apply it to your life gives you two things:  a powerful tool to use in making your life easier and a warning regarding the consequences of ignoring/violating the law.  

The Seven Principles of Hermes and The Three Universal Laws also fall into the category of the immutable and the un-changeable.   They, too,  are powerful tools you can use to make your life easier,  and like the law of gravity, they have serious consequences for those who defy or ignore them.   

The following discussion is for those who use knowledge to create wisdom.






No Human Can Escape the Laws:   

It's possible to use one law to overcome another law, but the laws themselves are immutable.   For example, the laws of aerodynamics are used in the airplane industry to temporarily counterbalance the laws of gravity.   When an airplane is in flight, it is still at the effect of gravity.   If anything interferes with the laws of aerodynamics, the plane immediately falls back to the Earth's surface.  

Like the physical law of gravity, the laws on the invisible side of reality are also immutable.   The wise study, understand and intentionally apply the Three Universal Laws,  the Seven Principles of Hermes, and the variations of these laws, such as:  

"What goes around comes around."   

"As you sew, so shall you reap. "  

"Whatever you do onto others, you also do onto your self."

You can sometimes delay the consequences of these laws, but you cannot change them.   You can ignore them, but you do so at your own peril.   Let the wise beware!   

Another thing that humans tend to ignore is the fact that most of reality is invisible to our very-limited, human senses.   The universal laws apply to you and to your life even if you deny them and ignore them.   They still apply and they still control your life even if you do not know that they exist.






The Invisible Side of Reality:   

Life is actually lived on the invisible side of reality.   For example, you can't see love, joy, peace, or freedom, but would any of you declare that they are not real.  You can't see gravity or electricity either, but when someone defies or ignores these laws, they usually do it only once.   The consequences are so immediate and so devastating that, if they are still alive, they rarely  ignore the laws a second time.  

Life:  To view life as simply a bunch of plants and animals is to miss the vast majority of what life is.   Life is bio-chemical, bio-electrical in nature and  occurs at the level of atoms, molecules, and cells -- at a level so small  that it is outside the everyday consciousness of most people.  

Size:  To view only the Earth from ground level with the naked eye and then to think that we know how the Earth functions is so ridiculous as to be indescribable.  The universe is so vast that as Carl Sagan so eloquently stated:   "There are more stars in the known universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches on the entire Earth."   

God:  The concept we call "God" is also invisible, and, yet,  our beliefs about whatever it is we call "God"   dictate our lives.   

Internal:  Another factor to consider is that everything we do in the external world is actually done to create internal feel-good feelings such as contentment and satisfaction.  So the next time you get upset about something out there in the world, remember this:
There are no victims, only unconscious creators. 
Happiness is an inside job.
Everything is mental; the Universe is a mental creation of the All. 






The Seven Principles of Hermes   
Wisdom of the ancient philosopher, Hermes Trismegistus. 

Understanding these seven laws offers you opportunities to see, hear, and to experience aspects of reality that would otherwise remain in the unnoticed shadows of your life.   

1)  Mentalism -- "Everything is mental;  the Universe is
     a mental creation of the All."

            For the Full Text on Mentalism° 

 2)  Correspondence -- "As above so below;  
      as below so above;  as within so without;
      as without so within."

For the Full Text on Correspondence° 

3)  Vibration -- "Nothing rests; everything moves; 
      everything vibrates."

Full Text not yet available

4)  Polarity -- "Everything is dual; everything has poles;
      everything has its pair of opposites;  opposites are 
      identical in nature, but different in degree;  extremes
      meet; all truths are but half truths."

For the full text on Polarity 

5)  Rhythm -- "Everything flows out and in; 
      everything has  its tides;  all things rise and fall;  
      the pendulum-swing manifests in everything;  
      the measure of the swing to the right is the measure
       of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."

For the Full text on Rhythm° 

6)  Cause and Effect -- "Every cause has its effect;   
       every effect has its cause;  everything happens
        according to the law;  chance is but the name for
        a law not recognized;  there are many planes of
        causation, but nothing escapes the law."

For the full text of  Cause and Effect° 

7)  Gender --  "Gender is in everything;  everything has its
masculine and feminine principles;  gender manifests 
      on all planes."

For the Full text on Gender° 


The above principles are quoted from a book describing the ancient wisdom taught by Hermes Trismegistus.    The modern-day book is titled,  "The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy."     


Let's look for a moment at the fourth principle, polarity, to see some examples of what it might tell us.







4)   Polarity / Duality    

"Everything is dual; everything has poles;  everything has its pair of opposites;  opposites are  identical in nature, but different in degree;  extremes  meet; all truths are but half truths."  

How many opposites can you think of?   Here a partial list:
































feel good/feel bad





gay/straight  generous/stingy






have/don't have









in front/behind













move/be still







   (over eat/un...













self/everything else





speed up/slow down







truth/a different truth













planes of being



Most dualities have a middle ground where the opposite ends blend.   For example, hot and cold have warm in the middle.   However, opposites like pregnant/not pregnant have no middle ground.  

Is there anything in life that has only one side?   Can you know left without right; hard without soft; or beauty without ugliness?  

Think of all those things that, at first glance, seem to be so different.   Are they actually different, or do they, like wet and dry, meet and blend somewhere in the middle?   Where does night end and day begin?   Is there a dividing line hiding somewhere between high and low?   When hot meets cold, how does one become the other?  

Are these things really different or are they merely opposites poles of the same thing?   Their differences are real.   So is their unity.  They're both different and the same thing.    Notice that we could only see their unity by expanding our consciousness to see things like hot and cold from a bigger / more-inclusive  vantage point.  

What would life be like if we expanded our perspectives, and expanded our belief systems?   What if we let go of knowing everything?   What if we shifted from being close-minded to being open to infinite possibilities?   If we approached the world from this expanded perspective, what other seeming opposites would also show up as also a unity?  

As an exercise, begin looking for things, situations, and   circumstances that seem to be opposites or completely unrelated.   Pick two seemingly completely unrelated things and find out how and why they're both part of the same thing.  

Here's an example:   The game called football and light bulbs seem to be totally unrelated, but are they really separate or is their intimate relationship something we are simply not yet aware of?   Lets examine some of the evidence.

Without light bulbs, football, as we know it, would not exist.   Without light bulbs, there would be no huge football stadiums, no TV broadcasted games, no videos about football to watch, no nighttime football.   The only people who could see a football game would be the people sitting on the sidelines in daytime games.   Without light bulbs, the only football games you could watch would be those you could reach the playing field by walking or on horseback.   

The bottom line here
is that everything
is intimately interconnected to everything else.  
Everything, including you and me are all part of a grand unified whole.  

Imagine for a moment that your mother arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620 and you were born in America in 1622.   What would your life have been like?   Compare that to your life today.   Your life today is a function of the creations of billions of humans dating all the way to back before the birth of the grandmother of the person who invented the wheel.  

In the world of duality, nothing is as it appears to be.  
(Everything is in a context, but that's another story for another day.)  
Everything always exist in relation to it's opposite,
an opposite that we are often unaware of.  

For example, is any man completely masculine?  
Is any woman completely feminine?  
Where is big without little?  Where is up without down?   

Are all truths actually only partial truths? 
Is anything ever complete, or is there always more to every story? 
What about all those things you are so sure about? 
 Are you certain that you know the whole truth?  

Imaginary Train Ride      ...

Multiple Points of View:   

Let's look at the concept of perspective (one's point of view) for a moment and see if the truth we believe in could have an opposite pole -- to see if there could be more than one version of something that appears to us to be the complete truth.   For example, from how many points of view can can you see something as simple as a dot of light?  You look at the dot and say, "One!  I see it plainly right here in front of me.   It's a dot of light and only a dot of light."   

Well, is it?   There are usually several different mental points of view (beliefs about something) that give the same thing (or event) several different meanings, and there are countless  different physical perspectives (different places from which to look at a physical object)  Let's take a physical ride and see what differences one's viewing position can have upon the perception of something that seems to be a simple dot of light.   


A Not-So-Simple Train Ride:   

Imagine yourself riding in the caboose (the last car) of a train with two friends.  You are lying on the floor looking up when you notice a dot of light above you.   You point to the dot and say to your friend who is sitting with his (her) back against the side of the train car,  "What's that?"  He looks to where you are pointing and says it's a vertical line with a dot moving up and down from one end to the other.   

At first you think he's crazy because you see only a dot, but he sounds so sure of himself that you roll over to him,  sit up beside him,  and look at the dot from his perspective.   Sure enough, you see the line and the dot just as he described it to you.  

Now let's add a second line and dot to our imaginary journey.  Pretend that you and your friend are now sitting at the side of the railcar looking at two vertical lines, each line with a dot in it that is moving up and down along the line from one end of the line  to the other.  

Your curiosity inspires you to move back to the place on the floor where you were lying when you saw the first dot of light.   You look again at the two lines.   The one you first noticed, looks like the dot you saw before, but the other one looks like a horizontal line with a dot in it.   The dot appears to be moving along the line, first toward one side of the rail car and then toward the other in a rhythmic pattern.   You wonder, how a vertical line could became a horizontal line?  You move back to the side of the car and look again.   From there, you see the image as two vertical lines and the two dots.  

Meanwhile, your other friend, has been standing looking out the back of the train watching the scenery.   You call to him, and as he turns, you  point to the two lines and ask,  "What do you see?"  He says, "I see a circle  with a dot moving around the circle.   Beneath the circle there's a  straight, vertical line with a dot moving up and down along the line."  

"How can that be?" you say.  "We see only two vertical lines."  After a moment, you both get up and go to the back of the car, and from there you see exactly what your friend described.   

At this point, you hear the sound of the engineer's whistle and feel the train slowing down.   All three of you look out the window wondering what caused the change of speed.    The circle, the line and the two moving dots are temporarily out of mind as you focus on what's outside the train.    

Although you don't see anything out there worth blowing a whistle for, you soon begin to notice that, as the railcar moves, what you see inside the car stays pretty much the same, but the view outside is a dynamic, ever-changing picture.   You also notice that the rate at which the exterior scene changes is directly proportional to the speed of the train.   Try as you may to grab and hold onto a pleasing scene, it's unreachable, intangible, un-grabbable, and almost unreal as it fades into the distance only to be replaced by still another scene.   The scene outside appears to you as an ever flowing cycle which  seems to have neither a beginning nor an end.   At least, there's no beginning or end anywhere in sight.   The scenery you've passed is gone and no longer visible.  You wonder if it's still there.  That which lies ahead is equally as un-seeable.  

The saying of a famous philosopher pops into your mind.   You don't remember her name, but you do remember her words:   "When I finally got there, I realized there was no there there."   You know that she was talking about a state of being and not something physical, but just for a moment, you wonder if what lies ahead of you along the railroad tracks will be there when you get there.   And since it, too, is continually moving and changing, you know that when you do get there it will be different from what it is right now.  

At the moment, the only outside-the-train-scene that is visible to you  is the scene that's right-here right-now, and that, too, is continually changing.   

As the train rolls along the tracks, you look out and see a field in which a boy, sitting on a haystack, is waving at the train.   You wave back and then wonder what the circle, the line, and two moving dots might look like from the perspective of someone watching the train go by.  To the boy, the outside-scene is not moving past him.  It's more static, like the scene you are seeing inside the train.  From the boy's perspective,  the train, the dot, the line and the circle would all appear to be  moving.  

To an observer watching the train go by, the vertical line is not a line at all.  It's as if the dot were riding a wave.  Those who know mathematics would say it's making a perfect sine curve as it moves along above the tracks.   And the circle is not a circle either.  It appears to be a spiral, like the coils of a stretched  spring.  One could even take the analogy further by viewing the two dots from off the Earth, but we won't go there, because I'm sure you've already gotten the message.  

After you've gotten off the train and are walking away, you notice that your perspective of the scene around you  is still changing.  The change is occurring much more slowly, but nonetheless, it's still changing.    Then it occurs to you that it's always been like that, it's that way now, and in all likelihood, it will always continue to be that way.   You realize that everything in the entire physical world can be seen from an infinite number  of different points of view.   


We've just looked at a simple dot of light from several different perspectives.  We've seen it as if it were a dot, a line, a circle, a sign curve, and a spiral,.   All five of these perspectives are accurate.   So, how about something as complex as your belief system and what your belief system means to you.   Could that too, have multiple points of view?   Could there be a different meanings and different perspectives that are equally as correct as yours is?   Perhaps the Law of Correspondence could assist us in looking into our minds, both personally and collectively.   

There are multitudes of colors, shapes, and directions.   Perhaps in our mental universe, too, there are multiple perceptions and  countless planes of being, for it has been said:

"In my father's house, there are many mansions." (Jesus)

"Everything is mental;  the Universe is  a mental creation of the All."  (Hermes)

If these quotations  are true, then each perception, each plane, each mansion may very well have its own unique interpretation and application of The Seven Principles of Hermes.   


Applying the Law:  

From this broader view of life, the inevitable question arises:   Who can say with anything but ignorance or arrogance,  "I'm right.   You're wrong.   My way is the one and only way."   

The next time someone tells you that he/she knows better than you or that he/she knows what's right for you, or that he/she knows what God wants  you to do, you can smile and say, "No, thank you.  I walk my own path.  I walk in the light of the truth which bows to no authority other than itself."






2)   Correspondence --  "

"As above so below;  as below so above;  as within so without;  as without so within."                   (Read a summary of this principle here)

It's called the Law of Correspondence.   It's about how to see similarities, matches, relationships, resemblances, connections, and correlations among the "things" or experiences we see in physical reality that may seem to be quite different.  

In essence, this principle tells us that what you see going on in any aspect of life is likely to be going on somewhere else, often in a slightly different format.   One of our present-day master teachers Dr. Karl Wolfe, expresses the Law of Correspondence this way:  "How you do anything is how you do everything."   In other word, when you see something in someone else, look for the same pattern at/inside yourself.  You'll find the same thing there, perhaps in a slightly different format, but none  the less, it's there.   For example, I used to express disapproval of my wife for living in the past until one day I realized that I was living in the future.    

A fractal follows the Law of Correspondence    

Associated Mudra / Hand Positions
Tips of thumbs touching
Tips of little fingers touching
Three fingers of dominant hand over three fingers of other hand

A fractal is a repetitive pattern with
variations on the basic theme.
Nature gives us thousands of examples,
such as ice crystals, the marijuana leaf,
and the human body.
There are billions of human bodies
all following the same basic form
with infinite variations,
no two of which are exactly alike.    

Here's correspondence in an image.  In the picture of a fractal below, notice that the same pattern is repeated over and over again.   Notice that there are variations and at the same time, the basic image is repeated over and over again.   You can find hundreds of examples of repetitive patterns in nature, a fern leaf, a peacock's tale, a sow flake, et cetera.  Look closely at any tree and you'll see this principle in action.


Here's how to find Correspondence in your own life.   If you have an emotional reaction to someone else who is doing or not doing something that you like or dislike, look for that same pattern in yourself. 

This law tells us that things which appear to be very different have attributes that are actually quite similar.   It also tells us that by studying one thing we can learn about something else.   That,  for example, is exactly what statistical samples are all about.   By examining a small portion of a population, a determination can be made as to what those same attributes are for the entire population.   Another example involves the similarities between the orbits of planets around the sun and the orbits of electrons around the nucleus of a molecule.  

How many times have you heard these lines?  ---   "By their fruits, you shall know them."  ---  "As you sew, so shall you reap."   ---  "Birds of a feather flock together."  ---  "He lied about this, so he's probably lying about that."

Applying The Law:  Here's a way you can intentionally use the Law of Correspondence to understand other people.   Carefully watch those people with whom you are planning to create a relationship.   Regardless of the nature of the relationship, be it business, friend, or lover: 

Whatever you see them doing elsewhere, whatever you see them doing to someone else, sooner or later, given the means, the motive, the opportunity, and sufficient incentive, they'll be doing the same thing to you.






6)  Cause and Effect --

"Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause;  everything happens according to the law;  chance is but the name for a law not recognized;  there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law."

The relationship between cause and effect is often immediate and clearly visible.   For example, if you drop a rock on your toe, you immediately feel the effect.   

Reaping the consequences of one's action may also take some time and not be so obvious.   For example, cigarette smoking and cancer have a cause and effect relationship.    As another example, overpopulation is having a serious detrimental effect on our Earthly environment, and yet, there are some people who are still denying that that relationship even exists.

Reaping the consequences of one's action may also take a very long time, and the relationship between cause and its result may be all but impossible to prove.   For example, if Christian, religious-one-life-ism is correct, going to heaven or hell after death is the-consequences-the effect of one's life on Earth.   If reincarnation and karma are correct, then the consequences could be lifetimes away.   We can't prove with absolute certainty the truth or falseness of either of those two possibilities.   Environmental changes are another example.   For years, warnings that humans were altering our Earthly environment were cast off a the ranting of hippie tree-huggers.  Even in the face of denial, cause has its effect.

APPLYING THE LAW:   This leaves us with a  very significant problem.   How can we know with certainty, what is causing the effects we are presently experiencing?   The best answer that we have yet come up with is:  1)  Study and understand The Seven Principles of Hermes,  2)  Study and understand the Three Universal Laws,  3)  Examine your own life using these laws as your working hypotheses,  and 4)  Examine what the evidence indicates, and then adjust your attitude and your behavior accordingly.   .






7)   Gender --  "Gender is in everything;  everything has its masculine and feminine principles;  gender manifests  on all planes."

As you are about to see, The Seven Principles of Hermes are infinitely intertwined.   Gender is one place where that interaction is obvious.   The constant masculine/feminine interplay, which we take so much for granted, can easily be seen as both polarity and gender.   Think of gender as the urge to create, the urge to to produce, to generate, to reproduce itself in one form or another.   For example, I have reproduced my ideal self image as the characters in the stories in my books. 

Humans have been mis-trained to see things as separate.  

The urge to merge in a much bigger sense than sexually.   It's about re-blending with Source/Creator/ God.      

What is gender?   The most obvious answer is sexual attraction.   Sex is gender in action, but is there more to gender than the hunger for sexual union?  

Perhaps we could look at gender as the inevitable attraction that everything has to everything else.   In that light, gravity could be viewed as an aspect of gender.   And what about love?   Love is  far more than sexual attraction.   And then, there's the desire for Faah-Zzuumm  (the feel good feelings) that pulls at us in every waking moment?  

What about our constant striving for balance --  the pull to center that we feel whenever we are near either end of one of the polarities  such as hot/cold, or fast and slow?  

Gender can be thought of as the draw for union, the urge to merge, the striving for balance.   In that sense, electricity and magnetism are gender in motion -- motion seeking a point of union -- a point of stillness, where the urge to do, have, express, and experience goes away, at least for a few minutes.   It's the point of complete contentment where simply being is all that is.    

Masculine is drawn toward feminine.   Feminine is drawn toward masculine.   Heat is compelled to move toward cold.   When wet and dry meet, there is an inevitable struggle to balance -- the wet moves toward dry and the dry moves toward wet.   It's another universal  law in motion.   And all things function according to these laws.  

Perhaps gender is the core of all creation.   Gender certainly is a central player in the act of creation, for when opposite poles meet, a creation occurs which transforms both poles and produces something that neither could ever become by itself.  

APPLYING THE LAW:   How can you apply this principle to your life?   First, by remembering that gender is present within you and is present in everything you come in contact with.   Second, by conducting a self examination to determine where, when, and how the compulsion called gender controls your life.   Third, by remembering that everyone you meet has motivations, incentives, a energy within them that is pushing or pulling them into action.   You may not know what those motivations are, but you can be certain that it's there.   By seeking and finding their basic motivations, (what drives them) you can short-circuit those whose intentions are malevolent, and you can move into harmony with others and co-create genuine win-win interactions.





Vibration  # 3  

"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates."--
The    Kybalion

This Principle embodies the truth that
Everything is in motion. everything vibrates.  
Nothing is at rest.

From corpuscle and electron, atom and molecule,
to worlds and universes,
everything is in vibratory motion on the
Spiritual, mental, and physical planes of existence.

The Principle of Vibration
explains that the differences between
families and thus, manifestations of
Matter, Energy, Mind, and  Spirit.

The vibration of Spirit is at such an
infinite rate of intensity and rapidity
that it is practically at rest.

A rapidly moving wheel seems to be motionless.   
At the other end of the scale, there are forms of matter
whose vibrations are so low as to seem at rest.

Between these poles, there are millions upon millions
of varying degrees and combinations of vibrations.      







5)  Rhythm -- "Everything flows out and in;  everything has  its tides;  all things rise and fall;  the pendulum-swing manifests in everything;  the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates."

Night bows out, and day takes over only to relinquish its position to night again in only a few short hoursS.   The rhythmic change goes on in seemingly never-ending cycles?   Winter and summer follow the same pattern as does everything else in physical reality.   As the song says,  "For everything there is a season; a time to laugh; a time to cry; a time to be born; a time to die.   There is a time for every purpose under heaven."

Yesterday's tomorrow has cycled into today, and, oh so quickly, will  move on to become today's yesterday, only to move again, day by day, slowly but surely becoming an indistinguishable nothing among countless used-to-be's, all of which become all but sdtotally forgotten, even those days temporarily referenced by a single line in a dusty history book somewhere.    Ashes to ashes.   Dust to dust.   Like it or not, this is the nature of physical reality.   This is the nature of life on Earth.   

A master teacher said something similar to this: Gather up your treasures in heaven where rust cannot rot, where thieves cannot steal, and where con men cannot manipulate.    What does this say about all those things here on earth that we think are so very very important?

Whatever is of great importance in your life, be it agony or ecstasy, joy or sadness, remember: "This too will pass."  And after its passing, then what?  The answer is simple - another cycle begins. 

If we've learned/remembered nothing,  the same cycle repeats itself.  
The external trappings may be different faces, different places,
but the energetic content will be the same.

A Visual Imagery -- A Six-way Intersection:  

Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and relax.  Take several deep breaths and become / imagine yourself sitting in the middle of a very unusual pathway.   This pathway is unique because, in addition to the normal front/back left/right directions, it also has a pathway going up over your head into the sky and another going down into the Earth below your feet.

Imagine the front/back direction as a sliding time scale between the future in front of you and the past behind you.   Imagine the left/right direction as a sliding gender scale between feminine on your left and masculine on your right.   Imagine the up/down direction as a sliding dimension scale between the physical world below and the non-physical reality above.  

You are now sitting in a very special position.  You are consciously and intentionally sitting at the intersection where past and future meet, at the intersection where masculine and feminine meet, and at the intersection where spirit and matter meet,  (Although you are usually not aware of it, you are at this triple intersection, all day long, every day, no matter where you are, what you are doing, or what you are thinking about.)   

How many other poles can you think of where you are at a point somewhere in the middle?    For example, where are you on the scale of  hot or cold,  fat or skinny, early and late,  right or wrong, or on the scale of desire and satisfaction?   Please also be aware that where you are right now on these scales is not a fixed position.  There is  constant rhythmic movement, first in one direction and then in the other.   

Can you see that polarity and rhythm are intimately intertwined?   What about the other Principles of Hermes.   Is there, for example, a rhythm in gender?


APPLYING THE LAW:  To apply any of these laws, 

Think of yourself as a ship with 

         a captain ( a goal/purpose)   

        a rudder  (a guidance system)  

        a sail or engine  (a means of getting there)   

Where do you want to go?

What is my purpose for my present cycle here on Earth?   Since there seems to be no single, irrefutable answer to that question, I shall take my power and position as a fellow divine being and simply declare what my purpose shall be:  

   1)   To experience joy and ecstasy to the maximum degree;  

  2)   To answer freedom's call to be, do, have, and experience
         anything I choose; 

  3)   To step into the next grander vision of who I choose to be;

  4)   To be positive or neutral in my affect upon my fellow earth
         dwellers (be they plant, animal, or human) and upon Sacred
         Mother Earth, Herself.  

  5)   To be a role model for others;  to pause and assist those
         requesting assistance; to school the unschooled; and to give
         vision to those who are just learning how to see beyond
         surface appearances.







1)  Mentalism -- "Everything is mental;  the Universe is
     a mental creation of the Al


One might get the impression that these seven principles are separate pieces of a grander whole.    They are, indeed, separate, and at the same time, they are intimately interconnected pieces of a grander whole.   The evidence tells us that all things are interconnected and interpenetrate each other on many levels, both physical and non-physical.   Have you heard about Mentalism before?   If you answered "no," then let me ask the same question using different words.  Do these lines sound familiar?

"According to your faith, so be it onto you."  (Christian Bible)

If you have but the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains."  (Christian Bible)

"In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God."  (Christian Bible -- John 1:1)

"The act of observing alters the reality being observed."  (Heisenberg Principle)

Let's examine a common story and apply the Law of Mentalism to it.   Perhaps that will make things clearer.

Think of your two hands.    They are separate, and, at the same time, intimately tied to and dependent upon each other.    Imagine your left hand declaring war on your right hand.   Sounds a bit ridiculous, doesn't it.  

If you apply the  Law of Correspondence°  to the example above  (the war between your hands)  you'll see that you and I are in a similar relationship in that we are both part of a grander, bigger something that has many other parts.  I am one hand and you are the other, and there are many additional, and co-dependent parts that are neither you nor me, neither left hand nor right hand.   Using this example, let's examine the relationship between guilt and innocence.   

Perceived problem:  My life is miserable.

Question:   Am I responsible for making my life

Answer:    The typical answer is,  "No, of course not.   
                     I'm innocent.

Response:    Look out into the world for the cause
                         of my problems.


Let's look at this another way.

Perceived problem:  My life is miserable.

Question:   Are you responsible for making my life

Answer:    I would never intentionally do this to myself; therefore 
                     I didn't cause this, so it must be your fault.   You have
                     caused me to be miserable.    I'm the helpless victim.

Response:    Many of those who look outside themselves for solutions
                     to their own, personal  problems have this attitude: 

"My intention is to force you to change  so that I can feel good.   In the meantime, I want everyone else to either help me change you,  feel sorry for me while I force my changes on you, or both of the above."

"Since you are the evil one that the devil sent to torment me, I'm simple going to destroy you in any way I can.   Not only will that solve my problems, it will also be doing God's work for which I'll be rewarded in heaven."   

Does that story sound familiar?   Yes, I know.   I've played victim on more than one occasion myself, so let's let the past be the past and see where we can go with a new understanding.

What if we were to apply the concepts which we discussed in the above story about perspective (Our Imaginary Train Ride).°     Let's use  the concept of multiple perspectives and see if there are another ways to view this:

Perceived problem:  My life is miserable.

Question:   Am I responsible of making my life

Answer:    I am responsible, but I'm not guilty.   Neither am I innocent.   I did created my own experiences, but obviously not by conscious intention.    I simply did so unconsciously by accident and/or by default.   In my lack of knowledge regarding how the universe functions, I misapplied the laws and now I'm reaping the consequences of my ignorance.

Response:    I now know that within the context of human life on planet Earth, I alone am responsible for  my past and present experiences, what can I do with that information?  What does it tell me?

It tells me that guilt, blame, punishment, revenge, and victim consciousness are, to say this politely, human-created bullshit!

I also know that I am an eternal, non-physical divine being having a human experience.  I also now know that I am a powerful co-creator with whatever that source is that most of us call "Source/ Creator/ God-Goddess"  

God gave me the rules and the entire universe within which to apply them.   God also gave me the freedom to create my life any way I choose.   

How can I apply the rules to myself here and now?   How can I re-create my life?   The section below offers a possibility to consider:   This time I choose love, freedom and joy, etc.   





The Invitation


Do you feel that you are one of:  
The Kicked-out  --  The Left-out --  
The Walked-out  --  The Walked on -- or
One of the Disenfranchised?  

Have you been successful at your career, but
still feel something still missing in your life?  

Are you a person who could be thought of as
"one of  the less fortunate of our brothers and sisters?"  

Do you have a dream or a vision for yourself
that you've never manifested?

If any of these descriptions fit you,
you are invited to join with us
in getting through our present
dysfunctional  social structure:   

Let us show you  the latest scientific evidence
about  human life and
The Nature of Reality.  

Let us show you the previously ignored
teachings of Jesus in the Christian Bible.  
Consciousness Christianity

Let us show you that 
you are much more than a physical body, 
That you as an eternal, non-physical God Being

For all this and much more,
go to :   www.TLC333.com 



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The Seven Principles of Hermes

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