16   03    09 Mar 2016   Updated 14 Sep 18   






Seeing Source/ Creator/God-Goddess 
from the Perspective of Universal Spirituality






Page Summary



Universal Spirituality is
an open-minded way of looking at life.  
It's an open-minded way of looking at
the evidence regarding the questions:  
*   Who and what is a human being?  
*   What is the source of me and everything I am experiencing?  
*   Am I being told the truth
     by those in control of our social structures?  

Universal Spirituality is a way of looking at
the source of creation
as an impersonal consciousness
that transcends human understanding,
rather than as an
angry, vindictive, fickle, mass-murdering,
superhuman being who lives in the sky
(the firmament) above planet Earth.       

If one chooses to believe anything about God,
one must take what is called the Leap of faith.  
When contemplating the source of creation,
there are no provable facts,
only theories, beliefs, best guesses, speculation,
and, of course, there are
an abundance of religious fairytales.   

In my youth and early adult hood,
all I knew about how the universe functions
came to me from the Roman Catholic Church.

God remains the ultimate mystery, however
We have learned much about how the Universe functions.

The Rules of Reality    
The Physics of Consciousness
How the Universe Functions

Universal Spirituality is one approach to Creator/God,
but not the only possibility.  
We call ourselves  The Reasonables of Religion 
because we apply Head and Heart
to our approach to religion and spirituality.  
Our perspective on Creator/God takes into consideration
the latest Earthly evidence.  

Our approach applies common sense, and also
considers the history and
"the multitude of sources for religious beliefs.  
We remain open to change
as new evidence becomes available.  
We make no claims to having all the answers and
we realize that, in spite of their claims, 
nobody else has them either.  

Below, on this page, you will find
some of our present best guesses
about the nature of The Universe,
about everything in it,  and
about its source.  

Please keep in mind that what is offered below
is simply one way of viewing reality.






Page Content



 Page Summary   


 What Is a Human Being

 Spiritual Awareness

 The Christian Bible  --  Is it Literal or Symbolic?


 The Teachings of Jesus

 How Does The Universe Function


 What is Sex?


 God Is Within

 The Physical Body

 We Cast Off the Yoke of Oppression

 The Origin of Our Country


 A Freemason Description of Universal Spirituality

 The Universal Spiritual Perspective on Prayers

 Reincarnation and the Christian Bible

 Supporting Evidence


 Refuting Evidence

 Beliefs About Abortion

 A Message to the Forced Motherhood Leaders

 What Is Abortion?

 The Big Question






  Universal Spirituality





The Universal Spiritual Perspective is in many ways, similar to some of the beliefs of the Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, but many of the beliefs and almost all of the religious trapping are left out.  Here's the universal spiritual perspective in summary:

The physical world is only a very small part of reality.   Life does not begin at conception, or at birth, or anywhere else,  and life does not end at death.   Humans are not physical bodies.   Humans are eternal, non-physical, divine beings who always were and always will be.   Each and every human is an eternal being temporarily inhabiting a physical body.    While living in physical bodies, humans are intimately connected to nature -- to their Earthly environment.   From the overall, spiritual perspective, the death of the physical body is considered to have about the same significance as taking off a suit of clothes and leaving them behind.   

Everything is one.   Everything is   a part of   and intimately related to   everything else.    Everything is energy.   There was no beginning.   There will be no end.   Time is an illusion.   Eternity is now.   

God is not a super-human being living above the clouds around planet Earth.   God is consciousness -- a consciousness so vast and so complex that it transcends human knowledge and human understanding.   Humans are also consciousness.   God consciousness and human consciousness are intimately inter-related.  

An 'Intelligent Creator' created everything we know about and everything we still don't know about.   Humans are part of and co-creators with the timeless, eternal God.   Within the context of life on Earth, we are the creators of our personal experiences."

Fundamentalist Christian Perspective    Fundamentalist Christian Perspective                  ...


As a point of comparison, here's a brief summary of the fundamentalist Christian perspective.   Please remember this is NOT a blanked description of Christianity.  It is beliefs about reality from the fundamentalist Christian perspective.  

Humans are their physical bodies.  Humans are separate from nature and separate from God and separate from each other.   God is also separate from nature.   The sole purpose for all of creation is to get humans "saved," to get them into Christian heaven.   The only thing that exists beyond physical reality is Christian heaven and Satan's hell.   The Christian God magically created the universe and everything in it in six Earth days.    Humans are victims of and are at the effect of their environment.   

The Christian Bible is the one and only word of God.    All other religious books are fakes.    Christians have exclusive access to God and to Heaven.   Only Christians can be "Saved."   The concept of needing to be saved is a product of Christian Theology.    It implies that there is a need to be saved.   Saved from What?   According the the theology written by long dead monks who believed the Earth was flat, humans need to be saved from a fickle, angry, vindictive, judgmental, hypocrite of a Superhuman God that lives in the sky above the clouds around planet Earth.   

God magically creates a brand new human being every time a human egg and sperm unite.  Humans live only once on Earth and after death they are magically transformed into and undefined "something?  that goes to heaven or hell forever.     

The God of Christianity claims to be loving and forgiving, but he (God) holds the longest grudge in all of creation.    God God is still creating all humans as inherently evil because a long-dead ancestor, Eve, ate a forbidden fruit.    The only way to saved from eternal damnation is by pleading to God.   Unless God saves us, we are destined for eternal damnation.   In ancient times, human and animal sacrifice was considered a way to appease God.  According to Christian theology, God turned the tables on man by murdering one of his own children as an act of love.    

The above is just a sampling of Fundamentalist Christianity.   For an in-depth, poke-fun story about God, reality, and human beliefs, readers are directed to section titled:  The Crucifixion / CruiseOfFiction.  


 What Is a Human Being:
This topic has been significantly updated
since this page was originally written in 2007
Find the update here:

As seen from the Universal Spiritual perspective,
each human being is an aspect of
the timeless, eternal God.   
*   Everything is one; 
*   Everything is energy;
*   There was no beginning;
*   There is no end;
*   Eternity is now;
*   Time is an illusion;
*   Each of us is an eternal being
     who always was and always will be. 

 For a more in-depth perspective
see the section below titled: 
For a historical  view and
for the Roman Catholic perspective,
see the page titled:  
What Is Life?


 Spiritual Awareness:

Spiritual beliefs provide the fundamental human context,   the foundation upon which all behavior is based.    Spiritual beliefs  provide the context  within which each hold his or her beliefs about abortion.






   The Christian Bible -- Is It Literal or Symbolic?

Let's distinguish between the unrealistic and dogmatic, literal interpretation of the Christian Bible and a figurative, symbolic interpretation.    

Interpretation:    Those who interpret the Christian Bible literally do not realize that the literal interpretation is, itself an interpretation.   Any time anything is described in words, one must understand that words are at best, auditory and visual symbols of something else.   In order to receive the message that the words were intended to convey the reader must translate them into feelings, emotions, internal visual pictures and/or internal visual sounds.    Without an interpretation, those symbols are nothing more than squiggles on the wall or on a peace of paper.  

Literal:    Those who believe in the literal interpretation, make a extensive set of unprovable beliefs about God, about life,  about why we are here on Earth, etc.   Their beliefs are contradicted by the Bible, itself.   Their claims include the following:   humans are inherently evil, separate from God, separate from nature, separate from each other, live only once on Earth.   Jesus is a one-of-a-kind, superhuman being.   Earth is a one-chance-only, testing ground to see which humans are good enough to get into Christian heaven.   When God gets enough "Good folks," (on the day of  The Rapture ) He's going to abandon Earth and leave it as a trash dump for those not good enough to get into heaven.   Christians claim to have exclusive access to God and say that all other religions are just fairytales.   If there claims actually represented realty, then the vast majority of humans would end up in God's Cosmic Trash Bin.   

The list of their claims  is long, and many claims simply defy common sense.   Many of the beliefs have no scriptural support.   Many beliefs are directly contradicted by the scientific evidence.   The passages that don't support the literal interpreter's beliefs are simply ignored.    (i.e.  Genesis 2:7 Ecclesiastes 11:5,    John 14:12)    Here are two of our web pages that will give you a more thorough understanding of this perspective:      Understanding the Anti-abortionist‘s belief system    and  God's Conception-Magic Act    

Symbolic:    Consider the possibility that Jesus was not the exclusive, one-and-only son of God  ---  that he was a fellow human  ---   that he was a highly evolved, master teacher --- that he came to Earth to teach us about who and what we really are and to teach us how we can each do as he did.  (See the Biblical references to John 14:12   below in this section.)    Consider the possibility that the perspective explained on this web page is true.    

Let's go back to the Christian Bible for a moment.   What do you suppose 
John 1:1 means? -- 
“In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God."  If our  thoughts create our personal reality, then who's responsible for what you think about, and who is responsible for what you create in your life?    Are you a victim or are you an unconscious creator, creating by chance, accident and default?

Have you heard the expression attributed to Jesus:  "Anything I can do, you can do and more."?    (That quote is John 14:12 in the Christian Bible -Paraphrased)   There are several passages in which Jesus says that humans are Gods.   If the Christian Bible is literally true, then you can do anything that Jesus did.   What does this passage tell you about the literal interpreter's  belief that Jesus was a superhuman being and the rest of us are worthless slime balls?   What does this passage tell you about who and what you really are?   

If the Christian Bible is literally true, then the above passages  (and dozens more)  turn the claims of the literal interpreters into religious hogwash.   If the Christian Bible is not literally true, then what's all the fundamentalist Christian  mouthfart about?     Either way, the literal interpretation is a loser.




  The Teachings of Jesus                                       ...

   The Teachings of Jesus:   

Some religious teaching are infinitely valuable with regard to how to live our lives, such as the teachings of Jesus.   Unfortunately, He has been put on a pedestal and is now worshipped in a manner similar to that which is prohibited by the Bible, itself.   According to fundamental Christianity, Jesus was/is not considered to be another human who came to Earth to show us how to be who and what we  really are.   He has been turned into another "golden idol."

His messages have been embellished, added to, and turned into a fixed, dogmatic, religion.    This degree of distortion indicates that  a clear distinction needs to be made between the purity of this master teacher's original messages and the social  hierarchies that are now attempting to tell everyone what His original messages mean.

Although many religious leaders will disagree, religions actually tell us nothing at all about "God."    That God is a mystery is even stated three times in the Christian Bible --- (1 Corinthians 2:14  --- 1 Corinthians 2:14  ---  Ecclesiastes 3:11)    The ultimate mystery that we call "God" is beyond all thought.   Religions attempt to tell us about that which is  impossible to  know?  

What they actually tell us is what they  (the religious leaders)  believe about that unknown, unknowable mystery we commonly refer to as God.   When one contemplates this unknown mystery, there are no provable facts, only theories, beliefs, guesses, speculation, and fairytales.   If you choose to believe anything that the religions tell you about God, you must take what is called the leap of faith.   

When it comes to knowing the complete truth about God, we can only look at ourselves, look at life around us, look at the available evidence,  and then offer a few "best guesses" in response to  literally dozens of unanswerable questions.  As additional evidence becomes available, these theories about what reality actually is  evolve and change.   

On this page, you will find some of our present best guesses.   Please keep in mind that what is offered is simply one way of viewing reality.   





   How Does The Universe Function   

Nobody has a provable  answer to this question.   However, the evidence gives us numerous clues;   Here's where the clues appear to lead us:

The Universe is made up of energy.   Physical matter is not mater at all.   Everything in the universe is made up of the same thing.   We call it energy.   The energy appears to be completely impersonal.  There is a universal, impersonal set of rules that simply are.   Everything and every one is subject to the same rules.   

Energy is directed by consciousness.   You and I are each a part of that consciousness.    We are each directing a portion of the universal energy by our thoughts (by our imagination).   In every waking moment, our thoughts are directing the universal energy.   We can direct that energy by accident, by default or by conscious intent, but we cannot shut the creation mechanism down.   We empower our thoughts with our emotions and feelings.   As a result of this energy-directing-mechanism, we are each producing our own personal, Earthly experiences.

Everything already is.   We attract our experiences by our thoughts.   If you don't like what you are experiencing, we can alter your thought process and direct ourselves into a different experience.   Our feelings  ( our emotions)  are the power behind our thoughts.   Think of yourself as a ship in a multi-dimensional ocean.   Your thoughts are your steering mechanism and your emotions are your engine.   What you imagine with emotion is what you are directing your future to be.   

The personality-based stories about what God is, isn't, and does  are simply stories made up by our ancient ancestors in an attempt to explain the unexplainable, the answer the unanswerable, and know the unknowable.   Here's an alternate possibility.  





   Life is  Based on What the Evidence Indicates is the Most Probable Reality:   

Because  Our beliefs rule our lives,.  those who live by the Universal Spiritual perspective  distinguish the religious beliefs which come from antiquated church doctrines from what the currently available evidence indicates is "the most probable reality."   
   (Reference-2)       (Reference-3)         (Reference-4)   







Adherents to this philosophy accept that reincarnation provides the most probable answer to the question:  "What is a human being?  Is he/she a physical body, an eternal being inhabiting a physical body or just a lump of dust that has magically acquired consciousness."

There is no clear, scientifically provable evidence answering this question one way or another; however, the overwhelming circumstantial evidence indicates that humans are eternal divine beings experiencing their divinity in physical form.   The evidence tells us that a human being is not his or her physical body, but merely comes into the Earthly body.   The physical body is a vehicle for the temporary use of the eternal being while here on Earth.   The embryo is considered to be earth matter with potential to evolve into a physical body.  

The Physical body is considered to have about the same significance as a suit of clothes, that are temporarily worn and then removed and returned to the Earth to be recycled back to building materials for still another act of creation.   When it’s time to leave, the soul  sheds the body as simply as one would shed an old set of clothes.  To use another analogy, entering a human physical body is like a tenant moving into a house and later moving back out again.





What Is Sex?

Sex is gift from God, a way to experience the bliss of divinity while living in a physical body.   See the pages titled:  
Sex as a Spiritual Experience
.    and    
Original Sin and the Source of Christian Anti-Sex Attitudes.     
Sex and Sensuality or Violence and Repression --  An Either/Or Choice..

You might also be interested in the perspective on sex offered in the teaching of the ancient philosopher Hermes.   It's one of the seven basic principles of life and it's called Gender. 


God Is Within:

Most of the people who believe the universal spiritual perspective on life are not ardent followers of any particular religion.   They believe:  1) that they are ( and everyone else also is)  an aspect of Divinity,  2)  that their connection to divinity is completely personal and  uniquely individual,  and 3)  that awareness of Divinity/God  comes to our physical selves from a non-physical source which can be accessed within one's own being.   Readers are directed to the website titled:  Are You Inside or Outside of God?   


The Physical Body:

Most people, when talking about their physical selves, will use language such as "my body."    This implies a separation between the body and who or whatever it is that owns or controls the physical body.   Who or what is it that that owns/controls your physical body?   Whatever that non-physical aspect is is considered to be the real true self.   The body is considered to be nothing more than a biological machine used to access physical matter.    (Reference)°   


We Cast Off the Yoke of Oppression:

Church intermediaries have been cast off as irrelevant and unnecessary parasites.   Because each person already is as aspect of "God," the belief that one needs to work, to suffer, or go to a Church in order to connect to a God out there somewhere, is seen as a manipulative fairytale set upon the masses by church leaders in order to dominate, control and extract money. 

To see the truth of this and the power of realizing that one can connect directly to God, one has but to study the life of Martin Luther.    In the early sixteenth-century, Martin Luther threw this very idea into  the face of the Roman Catholic Empire.   His revelation sparked the revolution which historians today  refer to as "The Reformation."   That revolution, previously unprecedented in speed and scope, put an end to the strangle hold that the Roman Catholic Church had on Europe and put an end to what historians refer to as  "The Dark Ages."

Readers might note the strong correlations among religious freedom and political freedom and sexual freedom.   And the demonic copulation that thrives in the strangleholds of  religious oppression, political tyranny and sexual repression.   (Please see the section above titled: What is Sex?) 

Historians will, in all probability, look back on the times we live in today an call them "The Second Dark Ages."   You may think such a statement is the product of a dried up brain, but one has to give only a cursory look at what is happening to see that the vast majority of evil and criminal behavior on this planet is the product of those in positions of  religious and political leadership.   The actual physical crimes are perpetrated by mindless sheep who simply follow orders.   And with regard to the environment, we are treating it like toilet paper.





The Origin of Our Country

The Universal Spiritual Perspective is the philosophical basis upon which our founding fathers created the Republic known as the United States of America.   These men were certainly universal thinkers, transcendental thinkers,  men of uncanny vision for their times.    They were very clear in their intent that no specific religion should dominate the government, and that no religious beliefs were required in order to hold political office.  The relationship between Universal Spiritual values and our Founding  Fathers is explained in detail on the page titled :   Our Founding Fathers and Religious Freedom.  

Compelling evidence indicates that our founding fathers  were generally Deists or Unitarians, believing in some form of impersonal Providence, and that they strongly rejected what the present day fundamentalists call "The Christian Religion."


The Freemason Description of Universal spirituality

Here's a brief description of the character traits of a Mason.   Quote is direct for the website:

"The real Freemason is distinguished from the rest of Mankind by the uniform unrestrained rectitude [the correctness, decency, integrity]  of his conduct.   Other men are honest in fear of punishment which the law might inflict; they are religious in expectation of being rewarded, or in dread of the devil, in the next world.   A Freemason would be just if there were no laws, human or divine except those written in his heart by the finger of his Creator.   In every climate, under every system of religion, he is the same. honor, respect, humility, and gratitude

He kneels before the Universal Throne of God in respect, humility, and gratitude for the blessings he has received and humble solicitation for his future protection.   He venerates [honors, respects] the good men of all religions.   He disturbs not the religion of others.   He restrains his passions, because they cannot be indulged without injuring his neighbor or himself.   He gives no offense, because he does not choose to be offended.   He contracts no debts which he is certain he cannot discharge, because he is honest upon principal."


The Universal Spiritual Perspective on Prayers

When one is truly  aware of him or herself as an eternal spiritual being, every thought and every word is acknowledged as a sacred act of creation; [1]* every action is Divinity expressing itself on Earth;  every day is lived as a God-filled activity;  every motion is prayer in action;  and every breath is the breath of God.

One acknowledges the unity of everything     and realizes that The Three Universal Laws of Creation '   are as real as the law of gravity.

As a divine being living in a physical body on planet Earth, prayer is not something reserved for special moments and special places.  It is one’s constant and natural state of being.   In such a context,. one has no need to have others see him or her in a deliberate and specific act of prayer.   One has no need to receive accolades for his or her loving, caring, and compassionate actions because caring, and compassion define the ground of being, the context, out of which one's life is naturally lived.

One has no need to proselytize others because he/she knows that every other person is also a divine being, and also knows that no matter which path (religion or philosophy) is used to connect to The Infinite Source of Life,   that path is sacred and should be honored.

[1]*    “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
             God, and the Word was God."   
Christian Bible, John 1:1 


Reincarnation and the Christian Bible:

The Christian Bible is in complete harmony with the belief in reincarnation and in complete harmony with  the Universal Spiritual Perspective on life.   If you interpret the Bible symbolically, reincarnation fits in easily.   Many people do follow the Bible while also believing in reincarnation.   Many historians and scholars believe that reincarnation was a part of the original beliefs among the followers of Jesus.    

Evidence strongly suggests that references to reincarnation were intentionally left out or intentionally edited  out of the early versions of what is now called the Christian Bible.   When you examine the Biblical passages that distinguish the physical body from the spirit,  you'll find numerous references that fit perfectly with the probability that  reincarnation if true. 





Supporting Evidence:

Like every other religious  assumption, there is no absolute proof that Universal Spiritual Perspective on life is correct.   There are; however,  literally tens of thousands of well respected scientists,  authors, visionaries, philosophers and religious leaders from antiquity to modern times who have offered the world an overwhelming amount of anecdotal data, indirect implications, situations, circumstances, and personal experiences that are in complete harmony with the idea that we are Eternal Divine beings.

As an example of indirect evidence that is consistent with the reincarnation possibility, see the section titled:  Think About This for a Moment.  


Refuting Evidence:

There is very little similar evidence supporting either the atheism or the Christian one-life-ism belief.   Several passages in the Christian Bible  are completely consistent with the Universal Spiritual Perspective.   There is nothing in the Bible that says Reincarnation is not true.  

There is very little in the Bible that could be interpreted to support either the atheism or the Christian one-life-ism belief.    There is also no evidence to support the Christian beliefs that humans today are born with original sin or that life begins at conception.


Beliefs About Abortion:

When you examine intentionally terminating a pregnancy (inpreterm/abortion) from the Universal Spiritual perspective, there are no innocent victims.   We talking about a co-creation between two eternal beings one in non-physical form choosing to enter Earth life in a newly created human body and the other, presently living in a human body and choosing to create or not to create an additional physical body for the other entity to enter into and use while he or she is here on Earth?  

How, when, and under what circumstances does another individual  (or group of individuals)  get the right to interfere with that kind of divine creation?  None! Nada!, Zero! Zippo!   It doesn't have any business interfering in this God-Granted right of self determination of either party in this agreement.   Those who would and do interfere, do so our of fear, out of  ignorance, and with demonic-level disrespect for the divine rights of others.

If a woman chooses to terminate her pregnancy (inpreterm) it's best to do so early in the pregnancy, but unfortunately, sometimes, unforeseen circumstances arise, and it just doesn’t happen that way.   Even at a later time in the pregnancy, interfering in a woman’s life implies that she’s not smart enough, ethical enough, or informed well enough to make a decision that is in the long-term best interest of all concerned.   Society’s interference also implies that a blind, arbitrary, one-size-fits-all law is smart enough, ethical enough, and informed well enough to make that decision.

Who Decides.    ...

A Message to the Forced Motherhood Promoters:

***  Can you can prove the God's conception magic act. is true?  NO!

***  Can you can prove that you are your physical body?   NO!

***  Can you can prove that humans are not eternal spiritual beings. temporarily live in physical bodies?    NO!

*** Can you can prove that those who believe that human are eternal divine beings do not have the right to practice  their own religion?    NO!

***   Is a human being  "an eternal spirit " or simply  "flesh and bones?"


Until you can answer  all five of these questions with provable certainty, stop trying to force your religious dogma onto the rest of us!    Take your Alice in Wonderland fairytales. and climb back into your rabbit hole.


About Abortion and Forced Motherhood

Without proof about the nature of what a human being is,. intentionally terminating a pregnancy is not a social issue.   Becoming a mother or not becoming a mother is an incredibly personal, private, religious and medical issues that must be addressed by the woman herself,. within the context of her own needs, desires, conditions, and circumstances and with the support of family, friends and with the guidance of her medical and spiritual advisors.   Forcing unwilling women to become mothers is nothing short of religious tyranny disguised as social justice.




The Big Question         The Big Question        ...

What Is Life?  --  A personal Perspective

The Big Question:   I recall  a childhood question that I began asking myself  at about age five.  I wondered:   "What could I possible have done that was so terrible?   I must have really screwed up big time.   What did I do to get myself banished to the crust of the Earth?   I don't belong here.   This family sucks.  I want out of here."   

I'm saying this to you now using adult words, but the adult words clearly convey my feelings beginning at about age five.   This question has stayed with  me all these years.   I now have some semblance of an answer.  Not the answer; not even a correct answer, definitely not a carved in stone answer; but an answer, non the less.   Let me share it with you.   

What Did I Do Wrong?   Nothing!   Nobody forced me to come to Earth.  Nobody even sent me here.   I chose to come.   I wanted to be here.  Why?   Because I am part of an orchestra that plays a Universal Symphony called "Harmony."   Because I love the feeling that comes with orchestrating that Universal music.    Because in a physical body, I can experience the ecstasy of harmony in ways that are impossible to experience in other forms of reality.   

An Orchestra Analogy?   Imagine for a moment sitting in the audience listening to an Earthly physical orchestra, or better yet, imagine yourself as part of the orchestra.   While the music fills your being, notice that everyone else in the orchestra is an equally important part of the experience.   Everybody has the same goal.   Everybody is both giving and receiving in every moment.   Everybody in in harmony with everyone else's part of the music.   Everyone there is there because they chose to be there.

Absent is the sense of damaging a fellow players instrument, or knocking him or her down, or stealing his/her wallet, or breaking something simply to break it.   There's no corner cutting, no cheating, no making one's part bigger or someone else's part smaller.   The only competition is to play one's instrument better than was done in yesterday performance.   We'll get back to the orchestra in a moment.  In the mean time, let's look to the source of who and what we are.

The Big Answer:   The evidence overwhelming says that you and I and everything else are all part of a grand, finely tuned, completely interactive, totally interdependent Oneness.   Some of us call that God.   Some call it nature.  Some call it The Universe.   Some simply refer to this unknown and unknowable unity as "The Great Wow."   What ever it is, it transcends thinking; it transcends and our wildest imagination.   It is beyond thought.   And it just is.   The only thing we can say with any degree of certainty about that Oneness is that, whatever it is,  it has a very significant impact on us.  

What are we?  Judging from the evidence and from what the master teachers have told us over the centuries, we are eternal multi-dimension beings who have chosen to forget who we really are in order to experiencing life in a physical body on an incredible small corner of an infinitely huge universe.   Most of us are stuck in a childhood illusion and have no idea of how to play the game called life.

How Do We Relate to Life?   We are each a part on that Oneness.   And so is  everyone and everything else.   There in nothing outside of the Oneness.   Actually there is no outside.   Neither is there an inside.   Everything just is.   We get to choose how to play in that oneness.   

But, there are definite rules that must be acknowledged and adhered to.   For example, ignoring the law of gravity could be dangerous.   It could even be deadly.   There are many more subtle laws that also control our lives.     

Yet we like to think of ourselves as free, but in reality we are free like the little child is free.   He/she can go anywhere as long as he/she stays in the back yard.   Here are some of the limits to our freedom:   

We each live in a physical human body.   Physical bodies do what physical bodies do.   We each must comply with the requirements of life in our body.

 We are presently living on the crust of the Earth.   

Find the notes on what we can and can't change.

List the factors that control  Body, training, experiences, etc

Answer the questions:  "Why am I here?"   "What am I good for?"  

Here are my answers:

I am a teacher.   

I bring the awareness of the oneness of all.  

        I bring that awareness to those who choose to know,

I bring love, acceptance and compassion.

I teach the art of allowing.   

I bring light, truth, and wisdom.   

I bring self-awareness which is also spiritual awareness.   

I am a role model.   

I am an inspiration.   

I bring hope and possibilities.   

I bring opportunity.   

I teach peace and harmony.   

And above all, I am your mirror.   

      Weather you love me, hate me, or anything in between, 
     I am also who you are.

Relating to "God":   Worship is not about begging a fickle angry superhuman for favors or sacrificing and suffering to gain for access to a so-called heaven.   Instead, honor, respect, humility, gratitude and appreciation are the watch words.   Do as Jesus said, go into your closet (your private place)  and pray. (Matthew 6:5-6)   

Express gratitude for whatever blessings you have, no matter how meager they are, and know that you are in your present plight not as punishment, not at the whim of a superhuman sitting on a cloud in the sky, but rather from not knowing how to play the game called life.   Ask God to  show you the rules of the game.  Then come our of your private place; find and study the rules; apply them to your life.   

Hundreds of master teachers have shown us the rules in so many different ways.   For example, the Christian Bible says:  "In the beginning was the word and the word was with God, and the word was God."  What do you suppose that means.   Or how about this:  "Anything I can do, you can do and more."  (Paraphrase of the words of Jesus,   John 14:12)   Does the John 14:12 quote sound like the words of someone who must  beg a fickle angry superhuman for favors or sacrifice animals and suffer to gain for access to a so-called heaven above the clouds.   Heaven is not a physical place.   Neither is it a non-physical place.  It's a state of mind, a state of being.   

Get off your knees and sit comfortably and quietly in private.   Ask God what the above quotations mean.   Listen to and feel the answers.   When you have your answer, you just know it.   Your feeling are your key to receiving the truth.   

Then come out of your private place and commune with others of like mind.   If you don't find an existing group in which you feel at home, then  create your own spiritual support group.   Go to your church if you like, but not as a worthless, inherently evil slime-ball, but rather as a fellow god-being desiring to commune with and play in harmony with your fellow god-beings.  

Create Community:   Pray together if you choose, but not as a bunch of losers begging for favors, but rather as fellow players, fellow god-beings, choosing to co-create with and for each other and with that Oneness we commonly call God.     Sit quietly and ask what this quote from the Christian Bible means.   "When two or more are gathered in my name I am there also."  (Matthew 18:20)  Does it mean that the energy of the Universe is there for you for the purpose of expressing love, mutual support and to co-create.   Or does it mean, lets get together to violate our neighbors and steal his property.   

Oneness:   Because we think of ourselves as separate from God, separate from nature, separate from each other, that's how we experience life.   The evidence indicates that quite the opposite is true.  Here's the bottom line on how to play the game called  life:   Love God, love your neighbor and love yourself, all with equal intensity for all three are one and the same thing.    

OK, Now What?   We have gotten ourselves (as a global community) into serious trouble out of ignorance and  by misapplying the universal laws.    We have initiated major environmental changes  that are in the process of devastating our environment.   The sooner we wake up, the less painful the corrections will be.  But that's another story, perhaps for another time.  When you are ready, check out these web pages:    Abortion and Social Transformation   and   Overpopulation Equals Disaster  


An excellent description of spirituality can be found by reading the one page article by Marty Kaplan in the June 24, 1996 issue of Time Magazine (pg. 62) titled, “Ambushed by Spirituality.”








The N.V.P.  Team's Invitation:     


Do you feel that you are one of:   The Kicked-out  --  The Left-out --   The Walked-out  --  The Walked on -- or The Disenfranchised?   Have you been successful at your career, but still feel something still missing in your life?   Are you a person who could be thought of as "one of  the less fortunate of our brothers and sisters?"   Do you have a dream or a vision for yourself that you've never manifested?

If any of these descriptions fit you, you are invited to join with us in re-building a structure that honors: 1) the latest scientific evidence about the nature of reality and human life,  2)  the commonly accepted theories about life offered over the centuries by the world's most renowned philosophers, and 3)  the previously ignored teachings of Jesus and the Christian Bible.  (i.e.  Christianity without the dogma and the fairytales.)

The Reasonables Project will show you how, without asking permission from anybody and from the ground up, the project's participants are re-creating their own lives and filling their lives with joy, abundance, cooperation, love, and freedom.   You are invited into the project, and when you accept this invitation, The N.V.P. Team members will show you and assist you in doing the same for yourself.    (Please note that the N.V.P. Team does not have any magic bullets or instant cures, and the team won't play the game of life for you.) 



You're invited to join the N.V.P. Team 
       on an adventure into consciousness. 


            As part of your adventure
                   you'll see your own life 
                        from a perspective  we guarantee 
                             you've never seen before.


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Universal Spirituality is a way of  looking at the source of creation as an impersonal consciousness.

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