


     16     Glossary     C-Truth-B-Free.com     9 April 2016     


        Encyclopedia of
                Fifth Dimension  





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A potpourri of information leading into
Fifth Dimension Consciousness

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Akashic Records    



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Akashic Records.


Akashic Records






Does the non-physical world exist?  
Let's examine this question
from the 5d perspective of vibrations.  

First consider that we live in a Holographic Universe.
Nothing in physical form exists as physical matter.
It's a perception of, 
a holographic Multi-sensory representation of 
physical mater.
It's a mental creation in the consciousness of the perceiver.

Akashic Records:
Think of the Akashic Records  as
a duplicate version of everything physical.  
all held in the on-physical plane of existence. 
This "place" is known as  the etheric plane.  

The Akashic Records are recordings of
every social and political event that occurs
in the illusion (the timeline)we call
our collective, physical reality.  

Each of us has complete records of his/her own
personal version of his/her  history.  

Once you understand the true nature of reality,
you will see everything in ways
that make no sense to people
stuck in and limited to third dimension consciousness.  

The physical world is a holographic illusion
created by Source/ Creator God-Goddess
so that we as non-physical God-Beings
can experience ourselves and each other
in way that are impossible in the non-physical world.  

In the non-physical reality,
therein no time and no space.  
Everything jus is. 
There are nonphysical timelines.  

When we become conscious of
the true nature of reality,
we can access this aspect of reality
as an experiencer inside of  the event or
as an outsider witnessing / watching the event. 

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The Cabal say there is no scientific evidence
for existence of the Akashic records.  
What they conveniently leave out is the simple fact that
we cannot find physical,3D proof for the existence of
the non-physical, 5D portion of reality.   

The only way we can know about the no-physical world
is my the affect it produces. 

The Fifth Dimension is a non-physical consciousness
5D Reality not 3D provable.  |
Why Not?  
Because everything in a rate of vibration.  
5D vibrates at a rate of vibration
that is invisible to 3D consciousness. 

Your eyes cannot see ultraviolate or infrared.  
Does that mean they don't exist.  
You cannot see God.   
You cannot see Llove or fear.  
Does that mean they don't exist. 

The Cabal are, in one sense,  like the mindless man
who dug a hole in the ground, 
looked in the hole to see if God was in there,
and then, declared that God does not exist
because he cannot find Her in he hole.  

The difference between
the mindless man and the Cabal
is that:

*   The mindless man
does not yet realize that his mind
has been secretly hypnotized.  
He does not know that
his mind and thus his behavior,
is secretly being controlled by
lies,  incredibly sophisticated illusions,
intentional deceptions, mind manipulation
and falsebeliefs.

*   The Cabal are parasitic, psychopathic deceivers
attempting to control our minds
and thus, secretly keep all of us as their slaves.  

<><><>   <><><> 

Everything is vibration.  
To experience something,
you must vibrate in harmony with it. 


Akashak Records 









Basic Questions:  
By answering these questions,
we can gain clarity on any aspect of our lives.  

What am I really hungry for?  
What is driving my behavior?  
Who do I choose to be in this situation?


Internal Energy Archetypes:   

In her book, "Anatomy of the Spirit,"
Carolyn Myss describes several human persona
(energetic Archetypes).  
Many of them are personal choices
such as the internal belief system s
that support our chosen vocation.  

She describes four basic persona that we all carry
as internal aspects of ourselves  --  
***   The Inner Child -- The playful innocent part of ourselves.
***   The Prostitute -- We sell ourselves in all kinds of ways.
***   The Saboteur  -- Our self-destruction pattern.  
***   The Victim  --   The Blame Game - Humans are powerless.   

There is one additional archetype that is so pervasive
that it belongs on the list.  

***   The Judge -- Most of us have opinions
about almost everything.  
We hear something and then,
from inside of ourselves,
we make up a story about it.  
You said this and therefore it means that.   


The Inner Child:
The Inner Child is the persona that remains within us
as a product of our lives when we were small children.  

The Victim:   The Vivtim is the persona of non-responsibility
that projects the causes of our self-made problems
"out there "somewhere."  
This is the blame game in which
everyone is responsible for my life except me.  
We use this excuse to justify failure.  

The prostitute:  
The Prostitute is the persona through which
we sell who we are for all kinds of things.  
Although, in part, it may be about sex,
it is much much bigger than its sexual aspect.  

It's about what we are willing to be, do,
and/or give up in order to have something
such as safety, or money, or to be liked,
or to avoid an unpleasant experience, et cetera.  

The Saboteur:    
The Saboteur is the part of our personality
through which, we set ourselves up to fail.  
We may set ourselves up to be deprived, and/or
to be punished for supposed wrong-doings.  
I'm not good enough.  
I'm not worthy.  

The Judge:  
The Judge is the persona that has
an opinion about just about everything.  
It's the persona that measures things as
"good" or "bad" or "right" or "wrong."  
I like this.   I hate that.   She's pretty.  He's ugly.  

This persona (this aspect of your personality)
is your judge, your jury, and your executioner.  
What have you done wrong?  
What makes you feel guilty?


You have been programmed to believe
that anybody who does something wrong
should be and will be punished.   

By peddling the story of the devil and
hell beneath your feet,
the Christians have done a very thorough job of
indoctrinating our minds to accept the belief
that bad behavior will be punished.  

Think about this for a moment.  
What does punishment accomplish?  
Does it undue the crime?   No.  
Are drug addicts swayed away from crime
by fear of punishment?   No.  
Are crimes committed when one is in a fit of rage
stopped or prevented by logic or reason
or fear of punishment?   No.  
The average person may avoid some behaviors
out of fear of reprisals,
but hard core criminals don't care
what's legal and what isn't .  

These persona called the Judge can be likened to
the guards stationed at the doors
of our "Belief Prison."  
In order for us to experience many of the joys of life,
they must be acceptable to our belief system.

(Belief prisons are the invisible,
usually-unexamined, internal controls
that restrict our behavior.)   

We mentioned the five universal persona
because they set the context in which we function.  
They can be changed, but
until we consciously and intentionally change them,
they remain the major, and dominant controllers in our lives.  

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Amway training acknowledges
four common behavior patterns.  
Each of us fit primarily into one of these patterns
with some overlap into one of the others.  

The intellectual who analyses everything.  
The Action person who does or directs the doing  
The playful person.  
The recluse who hides until gently guided out.  

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In addition to the basic five archetypes,
we each have an additional set of
archetypes  / behavior patters.  

Here are some general examples
of the roles we play in our lives: 
Father,  Mother,  Brother,  Sister,  Husband, 
Wife,  Our Occupation,  etc.  

Some personal behavior examples:  
***  Self punishment by depriving my self of the joys of life.  
***   Setting myself up for future problems.    
***   Victim consciousness.  
***   Mr.   Fix it.   

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The Saboteur  The self destruction pattern
is one of the patterns we'd be wise to examine.  
The next time you have what appears to be an accident,
ask yourself:  

*   How could I have avoided this? 

*   How did I set myself up for this? 

 *   What is the Buddha gift here?  

*   What is the pay off here?  
Is there some old and now-dysfunctional, mental  programming
still inside of my belief system
that I used to set myself up for a problems? 
For example:
Do I have any of these program in me: 

>>   The more I suffer, the closer I am to God. 
>>   If I cant get positive attention I'll get negative attention.  
>>    I'm guilty, so I need to suffer.  
>>   I'll be incompetent, then I won't be asked to to this task again,     
I'll get even with them.  I'll just break this or that.   
>>   I like breaking things,  It makes me feel powerful.   
>>   I hate being here.  
         Maybe this accident will get me out of here.   
>>  I just dare you to challenge me.   I need a good fight.   
>>   I hated that _____ .    This is a good excuse to get rid of it.  
>>   The accident is ___'s fault.   I'd never do this to myself.  
>>   God, Please help me.  I'm lost.   
>>   I accidently killed you
        because God told my you were a bad person.  
>>   The Devil made me do it.

Caroline Myss   website on Archetypes










Archons are one of the groups of beings
that have been secretly controlling humanity for centuries. 
In different cultures they have different names.  
They are called demons in Christianity  
They were called Archons from the gnostic tradition. 
AKA   Jin, Chitauri. Anunnaki , Snake, Star people, Fliers

They are referred to as  "A I"  - Artificial Intelligence.   
They are inorganic.   They have on physical form. 
They have no soul. 
They have no compassion. 
They have no idea what Llove is. 
They have no creativity, no imagination. 
Everything shows up as a dull, ugly, stark, sameness 

They are parasites.  
Their nature is demonic, pathologic. 
Lies, illusions, intentional deception and false beliefs
are their main tools of survival  

They live at the survival level.  
They survive by feeding on
low vibration human energy, fear, anger, grief, etc.  
They distort, reverse and/or  destroy
everything they contact.  

The Archons  control the Reptilians.  
The reptilians control the genetically altered humans
called the Cabal.  
The Cabal controlled human life.   If you have had enough anger fear, grief, and misery
here's your escape route 
www.TLC333.com   .

Reference:   David Icke   The Archons    

Quote from Michael Ellner  

"Just look at us.
Everything is backwards,
everything is upside down.
Doctors destroy health,
lawyers destroy justice,
psychiatrists destroy minds,
scientists destroy truth,
major media destroys information,
religions destroy spirituality and
governments destroy freedom.






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