16   03        C-Truth-B-Free.com    5 Apr  2016    









  Page Summary



Our websites (collectively)
are equivalent to a college education. 
The topic is:   Your Life as a Self-Aware Being. 

Simply reading a page or two will get you nextdoor to nowhere.  
There are NO silver bullets and   NO magic potion, 
NO elixirs to becoming conscious in Fifth Dimension reality.  


You Have Two Choices: 

Do Nothing.   Wait a few more years and eventually
         arrive into 5D awareness with the mindless sheep.  

Begin Studying  The Nature of Reality  

You are much more than
just a physical body.  
Learn the real Truth About:
*   About   Who and What You Are
*   About   Where You Are, and
*   About   The Future of Humanity.   
and receive the rewards of a joy-filled life very quickly. 







  Page Content    



+++   Summary<><><><><><>


















Messages to Consciousness People  




F5830 Monkland, #5
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H4A 1G1
email: francine@rainbowmusic.ca
Tel: 1-514-488-6996

Francine Jarry    WWW.RainbowMusic.ca    

Dear Francine,  

I was delighted to find your music on YouTube
among the Abraham/Hicks videos.   

I'm the director of TLC-Life Center,
a California-based, non-profit organization.  

We are expanding our
Fifth Dimension Conscious Training Program. 
We expect to very soon be in a new physical facility.  
Once we are there,  consciousness expanding entertainment
will be one of our primary points of focus.  

Because you are already doing what we intend to do,
I have added link to your website on our website. 

I've also included a link on our site to the
28 Abraham Hicks Joy songs - Non-stop Playlist - YouTube,  
where students of self awareness
can hear some of your delightful music.  

Because the Abraham/Hicks  play list
has no acknowledgement of you
and no link to your website,
it took me about thirty minutes to find your website.  

I suggest that you contact Abraham/Hicks and
request both acknowledgement of you
as the major artist in this play list and
add a link to your website.     

I'm contacting you for several additional reasons.  
*   To make you aware of our
      Fifth Dimension Conscious Training Program.

*   To invite you to be an advisor to our entertainment team.  
*   To invite you to participate with us in some of our programs.  
*   To request permission to use your music in our training program.
*   To say thank you for creating such beautiful music, and  

*   To request that you create the first song
in what will become The FahZoom Town Music Collection.  
Our intention is to incorporate into a song format the sound we make
when we are experiencing joyous moments: 

*   Oohh!   Oohh,  yes, that's it!    The elixir of anticipation,
*   Aahh!   The moment of arrival, 
*   Uuuh!   The peak experience, itself, and  
*   Oomm!   The satisfaction, the fulfillment,
     the peace of mind, and the contentment
     that follows a peak, fahzoom experience.  

For the Complete description:  
We will use this music to let the world know about
our Fifth Dimension Consciousness Training Center and
to let the world know about you and your music.  

If you are interested in creating a song with us,
please contact us.  
   Robert Robin  

Create New Song











W <>Add links to   <><

**(~)>   The Ego- A false Cabal Construct    
                   ***   k-ego-false-programing.html     



















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 TLC- Life- Center 

Contact Us

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   Our Phoenix Is Finally Rising

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C-Truth  B-Free

See Truth   Be Free 

TLC- Life- Center 


See the Truth +  Speak the Truth +  Live the truth  =  Be Free  

Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Fairness, and Justice 
      are intimately interconnected.   
Freedom without truth is a slavery in disguise.   
Life as we are presently living it, is an illusion.  
It's a secret prison made out of lies and  false beliefs.   
If you think you know the the truth, 
your in for a big shock and a rude awakening


Copyright © 2015  --    Robert E. Coté   --   The Life Center

All rights reserved.     See:   Terms of Use      Privacy Statement 



Site:       16 - C-Truth-B-Free 

Page      Index  Home Page 

Address:    https://c-truth-b-free.com#gr

Title  --  16 - Home Page - C-Truth-B-Free.com 

Description;  Summary of The Rules of Reality related to life on Earth as we presently know it.



















Creating Success by Combining
The Technology of Successful Prayer

The Practical Application of Quantum Physics 



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Copyright © 2015  --    Robert E. Coté   --   The Life Center

All rights reserved.     See:   Terms of Use      Privacy Statement 



Site:       16 - C-Truth-B-Free 

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Address:    https://c-truth-b-free.com/i-0-PAGE-TEMPLATE-Purple.html

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Description;  <><><><>.








The Daily Prayer  

I acknowledge
      that there are universal forces
            focused on me,
                  right here, right now,
                        in this moment.  

I acknowledge
      that I am
            the object of
                  positive attention
                        from Source/ Creator/ God.

                                    I realize that I am my Soul-Self,  
                              that I am an active,
                         self-aware,   piece,    part,    aspect of
                     Source/ Creator God.  
                 I am a God-Being  with God's-Power --
          the power to create by thought.
      My internal Creation-by-Thought machine
is on and running in every waking moment.   

This Earth-body I'm in is a multi-sensory
holographic representation of Me, 
Me as an independent part of  S.C.God.
I am experiencing life
in a physical body on planet Earth
in a holographic universe.  

I discovered that
my mind had been kidnapped by
emotionless beings who believed that they
could never experience who and what we are.  
If there is hell for self punishment,
it's being one of them.

In Source/ Creator/ God's  
holographic universe
Thoughts direct the creation of things.  
Emotions drive the engine, and 
We experience a multi-sense representation of
our dominant thoughts.  

I appreciate Source/ Creator/ God's
     positive attention
            on behalf of
                  my well being.  

I acknowledge that at all times,
   Source/ Creator/ God
      is aware of me,
         that Source/ Creator/ God
            is here with me
               acknowledging me,
                  Lloving me,  
                     appreciating me,  and
                        supporting me.    

                        She is, always 
                     uplifting me,
                  assisting me,
               helping me,
            showing me,
        inspiring me,
     guiding me, and
  having fun with me
in all that I am and    
in all that I experience.    

***   Paragraphs 1, 2, 7, 8, 9  courtesy of Abraham / Esther Hicks.   
          Paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6  courtesy of TLC-Life-Center.      

***   Are you aware that everything in a holograph
          is both inside and outside of itself
***   I am also the God that is watching over me.  

I Llove Myself.
I Llove My Neighbor .
I Llove Source/ Creator/ God,
all with equal passion and intensity,
because all three are one and the same thing.







Websites Off line




Due to a series of negative events that you really don't want to know about,  all 60 of TLC-Life-Center's websites have been offline since June 2015.  

We are taking this opportunity to completely redesign and rebuild the entire family of websites.   As time permits the revised and updated websites are coming back to the www.   During this process, many of the links will continue to be non-functional.  

Most of the non-functioning links are designate by green letters.  









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