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TLC- Life- Center  


Encyclopedia of

Fifth Dimension Consciousness





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A potpourri of information leading into
Fifth Dimension Consciousness

Return to Encyclopedia Index page     




Reincarnation Cycle    How to Break the Reincarnation Cycle 

Release Negative Emotions    How to Release Negative Emotions   

The Rifling on My Bullets     The Rifling on My Bullets   





How to Break the Reincarnation Cycle


According to Alex Collier, the reincarnation cycle is part of the system set up by the off planet beings (Artificial intelligence known as th Arkons) to keep humans imprisoned on Earth.   To break that cycle you must remember that when you die (permanently leave your physical body), instead of going to the light, turn you back on the light.   You will see the entire universe.   Make the decision:   "I want to go home."    <><><>  

I've also heard this in a slightly different form:  When you die, instead of going to the light, command to be taken to your Oversoul, (Higher-Self).   







   Releasing Negative Emotions  

How to Release Negative Emotions.   

The Context:  
All of us have had traumatic experiences in our lives.  
If the negative emotion, fear, anger, grief, etc. of the trauma
is not released at the time of the trauma,
it gets lodged in our emotional body (i.e.  our etheric body) 

After that, when a similar thought comes to mind or
when we experience something
that reminds us of the unresolved trauma
we will re-experience the negative emotion. 

Thus many people walk around with major  traumas
still inside of them that could
explode into negative and often violent behavior
at any moment.  

Their energy vibrations attracts people
with similar unresolved traumas.  
This is how arguments. conflicts, fights, and wars start.  

This Unresolved traumas keep some people
stuck in a never ending cycle of negativity. 
In order to evolve into Fifth Dimension Consciousness
we must release these cycles of low vibration negativity.      

See the section titled:    Negative Emotions.    

Are you carrying around residual energy
of a painful experience.  
Are you ready to le it go.  

Don't feed the negativity that shows up in others and
definitely do not fight it.  To fight it is to feed it.  
The best response it to fill it with Llove and walk away.  

Realize that you created the incident
by your own rate of vibration.  
There is nothing and nobody out there in the external world
that cause you to experience anything 
that you did not  invite into your life
by vibrating in harmony with it. 

Releasing Negative Emotions:  

If someone or something has violated you in some way,
forgiveness is the best way to release the negative emotions. 
This also includes forgiving yourself
for something you did or didn't do.  

Notice something pushes your buttons.  
Become aware of it as an observer.  
Feel the feeling.   Allow them to be. 
Use one or more of the techniques described below
to free your self from the cycle/ prison of negative emotions. 

If you find yourself repeatedly experiencing
a particular negative pattern,
your job is to break the cycle.  

Negative Experiences:  
Traumatic experiences must also be released.  
See the Fahzoom Breath and Release Technique   

The Larry Crane release Technique
The Sedona Release Technique.








The Rifling on My Bullets


The rifling on his bullets kept his pathways always arched,
arched . . .   and crooked . . .    and double filthy, too.  
He even  added vomit.   MacPuke is what he called it
He've topped it off with a couple million
squares of used toilet paper, for accent,
and Wallahh!  
He thought he had it made it.  

He kept  the key to the MacPule Matrix  inside his blue jeans,
right here next to what he used to call Big Dan. 

You look surprised.     Why?     Isn't it obvious that
No Devil (no con artist) worth his salt
   would ever come out to the world as an evil one.  
I am a Great Wolf!    I wear sheep's clothing.

All I have to do to create havoc and destruction
   is disguise myself as a promoter of
   what seems like a good cause. 

I simply gather together a flock of
   mindless Would-Be Do-Gooders, and then,
from a sacred place of trust and power and
in the name of righteousness or some other illusion,
I shower evil upon all mankind

Of course I love my fellow neighbor.   
He grows my food, you know,
I fuck him blind,  just like I am fucking  stupid you.

Excuse me, Sir.   I think you have that wrong.   
Your calling is back, inside The Sewer of Your Stories.
Here's a different message . . .   meant es special ly for you

With your stifling, lying bullshit, you kept us as all as slaves
You tricked us blind,    double-blind    and empty  mind as well
We believed your sheiyt . . . 
   sheiyt that just can't be . . .     and really isn't true.  

You knew, but couldn't wouldn't listen  
You must have known somehow
    that your sickly sucking cannot last.  

Because mindless parasites, like you,
always kill themselves.  
If the straw worms don't get them,
they eat their host to death then
starves to death themselves.  

Suddenly the entire assembly hall becomes quiet. 
The hostess stands to speak.  
In quiet anticipation, we listen to her words

We're gathered here together
to honor what's his name for
sixty four billion lies   re-told every day,
This Him  was such a grand blood sucker that
he even arranged for his own delivery into
Sheyitty Scuzzy's  putrid Hall of Fame.   

We hear a sound.  We turn around.   
We see a foggy picture
   drag itself down the isle toward the stage. 
We hear a squeaky grown as the Him
   defiantly climbs himself slowly up onto the stage,  
We see the Him there, stooped and still stupid.  

We hear the teller say in a kind and gentle way
Tell me your name so I can tell your mother?  
We know.   Yes, it's OK,  mr.   uhh  What's your name?     

"Why me?" he asks. 
Over chuckles that we hear,
we offer our simple answer
It seems he can't remember, 
perhaps he never ever knew. 
Double blind also has 
another face,      another mind, 

Double blind has a trick so slick, that
mindless parasites cannot see
We forgive.   Then give it back to Source. 
The Source gives it back
to these who break
the cosmic law's Prime Directive:  

Thou Shall NOT Violate!  

Now as you all now know,
"What goes around comes around."  
"As  you sew,   so shall you reap."  
"Whatever I do for you,   is also done for me.  
Whatever I do to you, is also done to me."
We are all one divine cosmic being.

And now as home we prepare ourselves to go, 
Lawrence Welk we hear
his closing song for the nameless , lifeless Him:  
so long farewell, we'll never fight again.















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